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Tip and Trick Detail
Using special and control characters in Text objects - Part 1
*Applies to: AutoCAD R12, 13, 14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005*

If you are using Dtext or Text commands to create Text objects in the drawing you may not be aware of the special characters that can be added to your drawing.  Below is a list of these special characters that can be used when creating text outside of the Mtext command.  Many of these characters exist in the Mtext command already.

Note: These will only work with standard AutoCAD fonts

%%d - 

Degree symbol
%%p - 

Tolerance plus/minus
%%c - 

Diameter symbol
%%% - 

Percent sign
%%o - 

Overscore for text
%%u - 

Underscore for text

Command Line:
Command: dtext (or text)

Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.2000
Specify start point of text or [Justify/Style]:
Specify height <0.2000>:

Specify rotation angle of text <0>:

Enter text: %%oHello World!
Enter text: %%uHello World!
Enter text: 95.5%%d
Enter text: 0.0015%%p
Enter text: 38.78%%c
Enter text: 87.9%%%
Enter text: