AutoCAD R2005 Easter Egg*Applies to: AutoCAD 2005*Traditionally, software has some type of hidden
feature or a message from the developers hidden in it. This hidden
message is what is known as an Easter Egg (hidden from all until found).
Here is how you can get your hands on it.
Step 1 - |
Launch AutoCAD R2005.
2 - |
Select the
Format pull down (or menubar) and select Layer... .
3 - |
Hold down the Ctrl (Control) and Shift keys
on the keyboard.
4 - |
While still holding down the two keys left
click on the words "Invert Filter" located near the lower left
corner of the Layer dialog box.. It will launch an
additional dialog box with the Easter Egg in it. If you
are wondering why the text is falling like in the Matrix it is
because the project code name was "Neo" for AutoCAD 2005.
The credits of people that helped out on the AutoCAD 2005
application are listed. If you watch the whole thing you
will also notice some of the names listed as Gold and Beta
Mouse Buttons
Right - Clicking to bring up a shortcut menu that allows you to
Pause, Play, Rewind or Fast Forward the Flash file.