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AutoCAD R2000 Easter Egg
*Applies to: AutoCAD 2000*

Traditionally, software has some type of hidden feature or a message from the developers hidden in it. This hidden message is what is known as an Easter Egg (hidden from all until found). Here is how you can get your hands on it.

Step 1 -  Launch AutoCAD R2000.

Step 2 -  Select the Dimension pull-down (or menubar) and select Style... .

Step 3 -  Hold down the Shift and left-click on the Dimensions Preview image on the right side. It will open up an additional dialog, that might be minimized, displaying a large "T".  Go to the Play pull-down to start the animation up.  The picture is of the Autodesk employees that had a hand in AutoCAD R2000.

Pull downs
Play - Plays or un-pauses the animation
Beginning - Rewinds the animation back to the very start
End - Forwards the animation all the way to the very last part
Pause - Acts like a stop and allows you to move one frame at a time
Cast - Brings up a dialog with a list of the Autodesk employees involved