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Enabling/Disabling the Node snapping for Mtext objects
*Applies to: AutoCAD 2005*

AutoCAD 2004 introduced the ability to snap to a Mtext object at its grip corners with the Node snap.  This request was built into AutoCAD based on the request of many users.  Shortly after AutoCAD 2004 shipped it was realized that the Node snap was going to posse many problems with users of AutoCAD and verticals that are in the Civil discipline.  In AutoCAD 2005 Autodesk introduced a way to toggle this behavior on or off.  So for the ones that want to be able to line up Mtext by using Node snap they can still do so, and those that don't can disable it.  To toggle the Node snapping on Mtext objects use the system variable OSNAPNODELEGACY.  Below is what the values of the variable can be and their meanings.
0 -  Node snap is enabled at the grip points.

1 -  Node snap is disabled at the grip points and is the legacy behavior of AutoCAD 2002 and prior.

Command Line:
Enter new value for OSNAPNODELEGACY <0>: