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Getting More Downloads Going
*Applies to: Internet Explorer 5 and 6*

Did you ever think to yourself, why am I limited to downloading two files at a time when using Internet Explorer? Well, would you really want to download more than two files if you are using dial-up? Could this just be simply a setting that is based on the hardware and speed of accessing the Internet from a couple years ago? Very well could be, but there is a way to change it. Note: This tip is not for everyone and extreme caution should be exercised when attempting it. This is a tip involves using the Windows registry and there is no undo it something is done incorrectly.
Step 1 -  Click the Start button located near the bottom left corner of your task bar area.
Step 2 -  Then select Run...
Step 3 -  Type in Regedit
Step 4 -  Navigate down through the branches starting at HKEY_CURRENT_USER and going through to Internet Settings.
CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Step 5 -  Right-click over Internet Settings and choose DWORD
Step 6 -  Give the new key the name of MaxConnectionsPerServer
Step 7 -  Double-click the new key or right-click over it and select Modify
Step 8 -  Select Decimal as the Base and change the value to something like 5 or 10
Step 9 -  Close all current Internet Explorer Windows and restart Internet Explorer
Step 10 -  Now you should be able to download more than two files at a time. This is a great way to download more drivers, patches and service packs in a short amount of time.