Improving Regeneration through Fillmode variable - Part 5*Applies to: AutoCAD R12, 13, 14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005*By using the Fillmode system variable you can control whether or
not AutoCAD will display object filled or unfilled, such objects are
hatch patterns that are solid, polylines, multilines, donuts, traces
and solids.
By changing
the value on/off you can decrease the amount of time that is required
to Regenerate a drawing with a lot of the mentioned above objects in it.
Note: This tip will only affect TrueType fonts.
0 (OFF) - |
Displays objects as outline/unfilled
1 (ON) - |
Displays objects filled
Command Line:
Command: fillmode
Enter new value for FILLMODE <1>: 0