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Tip and Trick Detail
Keying around with Folder Views
*Applies to: Windows 98, 2000 and XP*

Below is a list of Function Keys that can be used for working in the Folder Views of Windows. They were tested on Windows 98 and Windows 98se.

F1 -  Brings up the Online Help

F2 -  Allows you to rename a folder or file with out right clicking and selecting rename

F3 -  Launches Find with the Look In for the folder that F3 was pressed

F4 -  Toggles the display (or drops down) the drop-down list of drives and folders in My Computer

F5 -  Refreshes the contents of the current Folder View

F6 -  Toggles focus between the Folders/Files and the Address Bar (when it is displayed)

F7 -  Scrolls up the contents in the Folder Window

F8 -  Scrolls down the contents in the Folder Window

F11 -  Toggles the Folder View full screen mode On/Off.

Home -  Brings you to the very top left corner of a folder

End -  Brings you to the very bottom right of a folder

Page Up -  Scrolls up the contents in the Folder Window

Page Down -  Scrolls down the contents in the Folder Window

Delete -  Allows you to remove Files and Folders from the system.

Tab -  Toggles focus between the Folders/Files and the Address Bar (when it is displayed)

ESCape -  If you use the cut function and don't want to move the files simply hit the ESCape key to unmark the files to be cut

Up Arrow -  Allows you to move one row up

Down Arrow -  Allows you to move one row down

Left Arrow -  Allows you to move one item to the left

Right Arrow -  Allows you to move one item to the right

Spacebar -  Selects a file that has focus but isn't highlighted

Alt + F4 -  Closes the current Active Folder View

Alt + A -  Drops down the Favorites pull down

Alt + D -  Sends focus to the Address Bar (when visible) and doesn't allow for Toggling

Alt + E -  Drops down the Edit pull down

Alt + F -  Drops down the Files pull down

Alt + G -  Drops down the Go pull down

Alt + H -  Drops down the Go pull down

Alt + V -  Drops down the View pull down

Alt + Left Arrow -  Forward action

Alt + Right Arrow -  Back action

Ctrl + A -  Selects all the contents in the Folder View

Ctrl + C -  Copies the highlighted files to the Clipboard

Ctrl + D -  Allows you to remove Files and Folders from the system

Ctrl + E -  Toggles the search pane On/Off

Ctrl + F -  Launches Find with the Look In for the folder that F3 was pressed

Ctrl + H -  Toggles History pane On/Off

Ctrl + I -  Toggles Favorites pane On/Off

Ctrl + R -  Refreshes the contents of the current Folder View

Ctrl + V -  Pastes files that are in the clipboard to the current Folder View

Ctrl + W -  Closes the current Active Folder View

Ctrl + X -  Cuts the highlighted or selected files to the clipboard (See also ESCape)

Ctrl + Z -  Undoes the last task carried out if it can

Ctrl + Up Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus Upward, but doesn't highlight the file/folder (See also Spacebar)

Ctrl + Down Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus Downward, but doesn't highlight the file/folder (See also Spacebar)

Ctrl + Left Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus to the Left, but doesn't highlight the file/folder (See also Spacebar)

Ctrl + Right Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus to the Right, but doesn't highlight the file/folder (See also Spacebar)

Shift + Up Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus Upward, and highlights the files/folder

Shift + Down Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus Downward, and highlights the files/folder

Shift + Left Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus to the Left, and highlights the files/folder

Shift + Right Arrow -  Moves File/Folder focus to the Right, and highlights the files/folder