Limiting the number of Regens with RegenAuto*Applies to: AutoCAD R12, 13, 14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005*RegenAuto is one of those commands that just doesn't seem all
that important when you first think about it, but it plays a large
roll when you are working on a large drawing or creating a script
file. Normally you wouldn't think to turn off the automatic
process Regenning the drawing, but there are advantages to this at
times to make the drawing process go much quicker. If you have
created a script file to do some automated tasks it is to your
advantage to turn off RegenAuto before the script file runs and then
just perform on Regen right at the end of the script file. This
can save seconds to minutes based on the size of the drawing that you
might be working with. Of course there is a downside to turning
off the RegenAuto for an extended period of time. AutoCAD will
begin to prompt you that the Regen was queued and ask whether or not
it should be performed, so you may need to experiment a little bit
with this command and setting before you get a good feel of when to
use it or when not to use it.
Related System Variable: REGENMODE
0 (OFF) - |
Suppresses automatic Regens and
will prompt when necessary
1 (ON) - |
Regens take place automatically
through out the drawing.
Command Line:
Command: regenauto
Enter mode [ON/OFF] <ON>: off