Removing a Selected Object from a Selection by Holding Shift*Applies to: AutoCAD R12, 13, 14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005*There are two ways to remove objects that have been selected
from the current selection. The first one is by using the Remove
option from the Select objects: Command Line prompt. The
downside is that if you want to select more objects that you have to
enter the Select option at the Select objects: prompt.
Command Line (Using command line option "r"):
Command: erase
Select objects: Other corner: 3 found
Select objects: r
Remove objects: 1 found, 1 removed
Remove objects:
The second way of removing objects that you didn't want to select is
by holding down the Shift key and selecting the objects. This
method is fast since you don't have to type-in an option at Command
Line to Remove objects and then another one to go back and Select
objects again.
Command Line (Using Shift Key):
Command: erase
Select objects: Other corner: 3 found
Select objects: 1 found, 1 removed
Select objects: