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Selecting All the Layers in the Layers dialog box
*Applies to: AutoCAD R14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005*

Did you ever wonder what happened to the Select All or Clear All command buttons that were in the Layer dialog box under R13? As AutoCAD becomes more and more Windows based things are going to change. This is one of those things that just had to be changed to become more user friendly.

Step 1 -  Startup the Layers dialog box. You can type in Layer or go to the Format pull down and select Layer... Either one of these methods will bring up the Layer dialog box.

Step 2 -  After the dialog box has been brought up you want to go to the center of the dialog box. The area that contains all the Layer names and the associated data and current states of the Layers. In this area you are going to want to perform a right-mouse click. This will force a small popup menu to come up. This menu will contain Select All and Clear All.

  The second way of selecting multiply Layers is to hold down the CONTROL key to select the Layers that you wish to change properties on. You can also use the SHIFT key to select multiple Layer names in one large section, by selecting the first Layer name with the left-mouse button and then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last Layer name of the list.