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Controlling the Use of the Customer Error Report Tool
*Applies to: AutoCAD 2004 and 2005*

AutoCAD 2004 has a new Error Reporting tool built inside of it. It is very similar to the Error Reporting Facility that is found in Windows XP expect the reports go directly to Autodesk and not Microsoft. This new tool helps Autodesk to correct common design fails and make the product better with each future release. There is a system variable that controls whether or not the reporting tool is used. This variable is called REPORTERROR. Located below is what the interface looks like. Also, if you see this box please file out the additional information section as well.

0 -  Disables the new Error Reportingt tool.

1 -  Enables the new Error Reporting tool.

Command Line:
Command: reporterror
Enter new value for REPORTERROR <0>: 1