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AutoLISP Function Detail
Name: ssnamex

(ssnamex ss [idx])

Returns information about how the object(s) were added to the selection set. The SS value reflects a selection set that was created with ssget, ssgetfirst or ssadd.

ID Meaning
0 Any selection method
1 Pick
2 Window or Wpolygon
3 Crossing or Cpolygon
4 Fence

Point ID Meaning
0 Xline
1 Ray
2 Line

(setq SS (ssget))
(ssnamex SS 1)
((3 <Entity name: 26a0578> 0 -1) 
    (0 (0.478001 8.52255 0.0))
    (0 (15.0092 8.52255 0.0))
    (0 (15.0092 0.429708 0.0))
    (0 (0.478001 0.429708 0.0))